Whole school

EYFS Development Matters and ELG Tracking Grid
Assessment tracking grid for EYFS. Prime and Specific areas on separate sheets. Ideally this would be printed at A3 size, but works at A4 too.

EYFS Development Matters All on One A4 Sheet
Prime and Specific areas for EYFS Development Matters ‘A Unique Child: Observing What a Child is Learning’ each on one A4 sheet. Uses Arial Narrow font size 7 or 7.5 so quite small.

Test Analysis: 2016 KS1 Sample for Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Electronic Analysis
2016 KS1 Sample for Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Electronic Analysis with individual pupil reporting for up to 550 pupils (works best in Excel 2010 or later with macros enabled):

21x Phonics Themed Reward Certificates
These beautiful, individual, rewarding and educational certificates are perfect as class or school rewards. Each pack is based on an area of the National Curriculum and has the following features:
20 individual certificates per pack
A tracking sheet for a class
Pictures, text and diagrams to help explain the theme of the certificate
A space for the pupil's name
A5 size (2 per A4 sheet for self printed version)

KS3 Maths New Curriculum Assessment Bookmarks
KS3 Maths New Curriculum Assessment Bookmarks for
- Ratio, proportion and rates of change
- Probability
- Statistics
To support pupils, teachers and parents in learning, target setting and measuring progress.

2022 KS2 SATs Mathematics Test Mark Scheme on a Page
2022 KS2 SATs Mathematics Test Mark Scheme on a Page

All kinds of ready made banners
Different sizes and individual selections available at primaryclass.co.uk
There is also a section there where you can edit your own titles with a variety of backgrounds.

Editable Printable Colourful Wristbands
Editable Wristbands. 19 different coloured backgrounds. Requires Publisher.
Ready made multiplication wristbands also available from x2 to x12 in different colours.

2013 KS2 Reading Test Electronic Analysis
Electronic Tool for analysis of KS2 2013 Reading Test. Also includes paper copy of input sheet. Other KS2 electronic analysis tools available.

All on One A4 Sheet: DRAFT: 2016 Writing Key Stage 1 Teacher Assessment Performance Descriptors
All on One A4 Sheet: DRAFT: 2016 Writing Key Stage 1 Teacher Assessment Performance Descriptors

Editable Name Labels
Different borders with space to type in name. Blank one available if you prefer to do this by hand. More resources from primaryclass.co.uk.

All on One A4 Sheet: Draft 2016 Performance Descriptors for Reading (KS1)
Draft 2016 Performance Descriptors for Reading (KS1) - All on One A4 Sheet

English L1-6 National Curriculum Attainment Target
English (En 1, 2 and 3) Levels 1 to 6 National Curriculum Attainment Targets all on One A4 Sheet. Useful for moderation, assessment, reference or planning. In colour and black & white.

The Early Learning Goals 2012 All on One A4 Sheet
The new Early Learning Goals (from 1st September 2012) reproduced to fit onto one A4 sheet, in colour and black and white. Includes spaces for checking off each criteria. Feedback welcome.

2013 KS2 Grammar and Punctuation Test Analysis
Paper version of the electronic analysis of KS2 2013 L3-5 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Test. Other KS2 electronic/paper analysis tools available.

Tracker for the Decimal Assessment Systems (Writing, Reading and Mathematics)
Free tracker now available for the Decimal Assessment System.
A complete tool for tracking attainment and progress.
Powerful filtering tools and report/charts to aid analysis of groups and classes.
Most up to date versions will always be on Primary Tools website.
Requires Excel 2010 or later.

2016 KS2 Reading Test Electronic Analysis
Produces easy on the eye tables and charts for cohorts and individuals. Broken down into areas of learning and specific question performance.
Up to 400 pupils (works best in Excel 2010 or later with macros enabled)
Versions also available for Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling, and also Mathematics:
GPS: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/2016-ks2-grammar-punctuation-and-spelling-test-electronic-analysis-11291706
Maths: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/2016-ks2-mathematics-test-electronic-analysis-11291695

Times Tables Multuplication/Division Certificates
Multiplication and division for each times tables presented as an award style certificate.